Tuesday, 22 September 2015

room 8' s Assembly

This is room 8 at their Assembly. We are doing hold back the river. Medina and Ayesha  are using a sheet for the water.      

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

our class assembly

This Friday my class has to run the school assembly. We have to practise lots of things like skipping,   guess my hat show  and some of the boys are doing chariots  of fire. I am in the skipping with Alazae , Tyana  ,   Knox  , Riley , Nixon , Maddy. We are spinning the big skipping rope as well. I am also reading my hat description on guess my hat. I love practising for our assembly.  

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

picture prompt

Hi my name is Max.I  am going  to go down a steep slide and it is very cold in winter for me.I just finished  my diner.When I slide down the slide I freeze  sometimes because the slide is always filled with snow.And my friends are all sleeping  so I am all alone.  They are missing out on all the fun.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Diamante poem


nasty mud

bombing shooting dying

soldiers rifles bayonet  no mans land

digging  hiding  exploding

painful disease


Thursday, 23 April 2015


1. ANZAC means Australia  New Zealand Army Corp

 2.The  Allies were  Great Britain, France,  Russia, Australia, and New Zealand

3 . The Allies  fought against  Germany and  Turkey

4. The fighting took place in Gallpoli

5. The poppy is the symbol of World War 1

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

what I like about term 1

This  term I really liked doing  the  balloon experience  because we got to throw water balloons at each other.  I also liked the finger prints  because  I got to draw   what I like doing  like swimming  running  panting  drawing.  I drew my two dogs  Misty  and Master. They are  brother and sister. Most of all I liked camp week and swimming  because  on Thursday  we got to stay after school  and sleep at school  in our tents. My group  was called the Favorites.  In my tent were Alazae,  Keanna,  Jade , Tyana and me.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Overnight Camp

Last  week  the middles  had camp.When I arrived at school with my camp  things  I  saw matresses, sleeping bags, pillows, soft toys  bags fulled with exciting things.  I  was excited  and a little scared because we get to stay at school  and sleep out on the field with friends.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Probability Maths

There  are 5 yellow blocks, 6  pink  blocks, 6 red blocks and 2 blue blocks  2  green  blocks
It is likely to pick a  pink  or   red block 
It is unlikely to pick a blue or green block    
It is possible to pick one of each colour 
It is impossible to pick a  colour  that is not in  the  bag.